Bornova İZMİR


Hy You Should Choose Us!

Machine Automation

Automation systems are systems that reduce human influence and deliver tasks to artificial intelligence and machine control. At the same time, process automation is achieved by ensuring that these systems communicate with each other.

Reduction of Work Accidents
A manufacturing company where jobs are processed automatically and error-free is more preferable to other companies. This allows the company to stand out from others in the competitive environment.
Quality İncrease
Since there is no such thing as human error in companies that produce using automation systems, the error rate decreases to very low levels and thus the quality of the product produced increases.
Saving On Time
Automation systems can produce high numbers in a very short time because they work continuously and quickly. A machine can do in 1 day the work that a worker does in 1 week. In this way, time is saved.
Why You Should Choose Us!

Process Automation

Process automation uses technology to automate complex business processes. It typically has three functions; automating processes, centralizing information and reducing the need for input from humans. It is designed to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce errors and data loss while increasing transparency, interdepartmental communication and processing speed. Process automation streamlines a system by eliminating human input, which reduces errors, increases delivery speed, improves quality, minimizes costs, and simplifies the business process. It combines software tools, people and processes to create a fully automated workflow.

Reducing Cost
When businesses combine tasks, they need to perform fewer steps, which can reduce the amount of money they spend on all the combined steps.
Increased Productivity
When businesses automate manual processes, they give their employees more time to perform other important tasks. It increases the efficiency of daily tasks.
Increased Reliability
Automation is a way to prevent human error. Computers can often find solutions faster and more reliably than humans.
Optimizing Performance
Otomasyon, bir görevi zaman alıcı olmaktan sıradan ve hatta modası geçmiş hale getirebilir.


The term SCADA consists of the first letters of the English words "Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition". Its Turkish language is Central Control and Data Collection System. SCADA systems are a general name given to systems that control and monitor units located in a wide area through the central computer and store historical data of the units.

Full Performance at Least Cost
These are applications that enable instantaneous monitoring and control of the production and control process and the system elements involved in this process, which can achieve the targets determined in the controlled system, at the least cost.
Multiple Process Control
Operators monitor and control the operation of a process thanks to SCADA systems. They are used in industrial processes, telecommunication systems, transportation sector, and control of power plants. SCADA systems can control processes numbering hundreds of thousands.